The church cannot function without everyone giving a helping hand in some way! If you are not serving in any capacity, please speak to Eli Eash about stepping in to offer assistance, relieve someone, or begin a new avenue within the church with your personal giftings and strength.
Kid's Ministry
We have Kid's Church every Sundays at 11am for families that wish to be a part of it. 4-7 year olds may be in the Lower Elementary Class and 8-11 year olds may be in the Upper Elementary Class.`We are using The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung.
Children are always welcome in the sanctuary during any service though!
A Nursery is available to nursing mothers and children 3 and under at all times.
Contact Dave and Jamie Brewster if you have any questions or would like to help in a class!
Youth Ministry
There have been several opportunities this summer to gather, from bike rides to camping, and we're hoping to do more! Scholarships are available as well if a young person would like to go to Bible camp. Please talk to Eli Eash to connect!
Building Ministry
The church building needs a little care consistently! If you have a several hours to spare once a month, please see Jonathon Havener. Thank you!
Worship Ministry
If you have experience and a heart for music, please speak with Brian Ressel about working the sound booth or helping with worship!
Women's Bible Study
Starting Tuesday, September 24th at 7pm, we will dive into Revelation for 10 weeks!
Revelation shouldn't leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, though, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Study Revelation verse-by-verse to discover how the last book of the Bible is accessible, helpful, and speaks a steadying word of assurance and endurance to the church in every age.
To join, contact Leah Eash!
Men's Ministry
On hiatus for the next couple of months! Questions? Please see Colin Hamilton.